الشهر: مايو 2024

These are Microsofts Bing AI secret rules and why it says its named Sydney

Googles Gemini AI now has a new app and works across Google products She wasn’t a Jewish socialist like his first wife – her family was from the deep south. Their marriage represented “a reach for normalcy and a settled life” on his part, Miriam said. “You didn’t go to the computer,” Weizenbaum said in …

These are Microsofts Bing AI secret rules and why it says its named Sydney قراءة المزيد »

Bhuwan Agri on LinkedIn: Hammer, Inverted Hammer & Hanging Man Candlestick Chart Patterns A

Do remember, when the stop-loss triggers, the trader will have to exit the trade, as the trade no longer stands valid. More often than not, exiting the trade is the best thing to do when the stoploss triggers. Here is a chart where both the risk taker and the risk-averse would have made a remarkable …

Bhuwan Agri on LinkedIn: Hammer, Inverted Hammer & Hanging Man Candlestick Chart Patterns A قراءة المزيد »